Customized Cat Tubes

Extra long Eltigre tubes for a summer on GREAT SALT LAKE
These tubes will go under a long speed rail frame that has solar pannels, and a Torqueedo motor. It will be the home for art students on the Great Salt lake. The lake is so salty on the nort arm, that it is Pink in color, (could be from the brine shrimp) and the salt coats the rocks becaus there is too much of it. US humans take all the fresh water before it gets there Except when it is a wet wet year. Have a look at the full system on the Great Salt Lake. See the computer model with dimensions 3D view. Computer model with the top view, and the computer model with the bottom view.
Riley Saves a float plane in Alaska with the boat the plane flew in.
Here is a picture of the plane pushed ontop of the cataraft tube and frame. It rained hard for 3 days while they waited for parts, and this is how they saved the float plane by inflating the boat under the plane and then tieing the plane and boat off while the river flooded. Plane flies the boat. Boat floats the plane. What could be better.
Riley's Blue Dunn sailing off the coast of Yucatan
This boat did a circum navigation of the Yucatan. See Myron stretched out in the hammock
Airboat West Cat tubes for Air boat rescue craft
Air boat west has come up with an interesting variation on the Air Boat theme.
Air boat west web site. You really can not do many of the things that billy is doing in these videos with a standard air boat.
Large cat tubes for alaska gold dredge
These large cat tubes are dwarfed by the size of the ocean going craft beside it. However this dredge is designed to mine the ocean floor along the Yukon River Delta. At the time of this writing, gold is 1600.00 per oz. July 15, 2011.
see the solid works drawing of the tubes that we used to make this dredge. there are three tubes.
Alaska Dept of Wildlife motorized cat
This is a solid works drawing of the motorized cataraft we designed for the Alaska Dept of Wildlife. Note that there is a spay skirt, on the front and a spray flap around the down bars on the tube. The tubes are 30 inches in diameter.
Large Motorized Cat with Beavertail
This picture shows how we used a plywood deck or "beavertail" on the front, and gives a little more detail on how the frame and motor are located. The 9 inch thick I beam floor actually slopes down toward the back so that it does not cause extra drag, and there is a small frame supporting it in the front near the plywood beavertail. A motor transom is located behind the frame, and a 25 hp motor was used. This boat was used to shuttle a Pack Cat trip from the Escalante river back to Bullfrog Marina. The Story is available in our River Running Section.
Customized pontoons for the kenitic human powered race
These pontoons are for the float section of the Kenotic race that will take place in Arcada Ca. next spring.. Carl is the creator of this very interesting piece of machinery. It has gear reduction of standard mountain bikes coupled with the hardware that already came on the 4 wheel drive chassis. There will be a women’s roller derby team peddling this thing over all kinds of terrain. We hope to get videos when the race happens. Carl builds custom windshield faring for recumbent bicycles.
Rileys 28 Inch Diameter tubes With 70 hp Outboard
This picture was taken near Denver. Riley Dunn is an outfitter in Belize where he uses this boat as support for Hobie Cat expeditions and fishing trips. He often rigs a sail on it and goes for extended fishing trips. This boat has a 70 hp outboard.
John Snyder's Inflatable Houseboat in the Fiji Islands
This is a picture of John Snyder's trimarand cataraft. He sails and motors this boat around the Fiji islands. This picture is of the boat beached for the night. John lives the kind of life that most of us can only dream of. All it took was a good dream and a bit of hard work.
The outside tubes are 18 1/2 ft long and 25 inches in diameter. The inside tube is 16 ft and 25 inches in diameter.
Andy and Bax Bax Cat Custom Cargo Rig
This is a shop photo of a fully riged out bax cat (Now called the El Tigre). This boat is being used extensively as a work and support boat along the mouth of the Columbia river. Some of its job duities are Kayak support, cargo hauling, and basic white water support gear boat. contact Andy and Bax in Portland for more information. (503) 234-7538 ask for Dan Cox. This version of the El Tigre has some added features like d rings on the ends of the cones, and grommet strips. The Eltigre has handles and this boat does not.
Speed Tubes on the Bottom of Some Very Large Cat Tubes
This is a picture of Eric Meyer's tubes that have had a speed tube installed on the bottom of the tube. This smaller tube will make this large inflatable tube act more hydrodynamic. Especially when it comes to adding a sail. The flotation of small tubes 11 inches in diameter of this length is close to 1100 lbs. Therefore these tubes will lift the main tube nearly to the surface with that kind of load. This project was completed on 1-28-03. We will have to wait for warmer weather to find out how well it worked.
Garn Christiensens Ark for Scuba and Rivers
Garn Christiensen built this boat as a river expedition cataraft. It has plenty of cargo room. There are 4 plastic decks on the front of the boat. They run lengthwise. The middle two can be removed and all kinds of items are stored below deck. The deck is where he sleeps. Notice the extra large bimini top. This is for extreme shading up in the middle of the day. I chose this angle because it shows a beefy transom that could take a substantial motor. This is an awesome large river rig. Perfect for rivers like the Colorado, the Green, the Sacramento, and the Columbia. This is just another example of how cats can provide the creature comforts of a houseboat in a more compact and storable style
Here is what garn said in his email when he sent me this picture.
"I have finished the boat I bought the 19'6" tubes for and am considering building another. I intend to rent these or sell them as ready to row rafts for sun sensitive boaters. This boat will also be used for scuba diving and has an outboard motor mount."
If you would like to rent this, write to Garn Christiensen
Virus Inflatable Rowing Skull for 2
This is a picture of the Virus Inflatable Rowing Skull for 2 people. The hardware comes off easily and stores in the trunk along with the deflated tubes. They have been using these types of boats like sea kayaks to island hop in both Maine and in Florida. This boat is 16 feet long, with 13 inch diameter tubes. The difference between these boats and a sea kayak is the amount of gear they can haul, and the stability. This RowCat also comes as single, with 14' tubes, and the same rigging system.
Contact Urs Wunderli at Rum International, email, website if you are interested in this item.
Modern Day Huck Fin
Our Customer Charile lives in the Eastern Part of the US on a river that has 150 miles of unobstructed floating. There are no big rapids on this river, but as you can see in this picture there is plenty of current. Charlie designed the frame from Speed Rail fittings and Aluminum tubing. The top deck is 4 - 4 ft By 8 ft sheets of plywood that make a deck 8 ft by 16 feet. Below that deck is storage from 2 more sheets of plywood for cargo storage of 4 feet by 16 feet. The tubes are 25 inches in diameter and the main section of the boat is 17 feet (in between the cone ends. The boat is usually powered by sweep oars,(Cats hold the current well because of the keel effect of the tubes.) however Charlie has a little motor to take him down river faster if necessary. Charlie came to us because his homemade fiberglass pontoons that he was using for years were giving out. This system is much easier for him to transport. Now he is talking about floating a few other large rivers. Some of us dream of being Huck Finn, and others just do it.
Hang Glider Float Tubes
We built these tubes a few years back for a company in Salida Colorado Named Monarch Manufacturing. If you would like to see another view from the sky to the earth, follow this link. It is a picture of the hang glider over the beach near Bierut Lebanon. Follow this link if you would like to see pontoons lined up in our shop. In this picture you can see that they are tapered. Note they do not have the end caps on them. You can see the end caps in the first link. These tubes were built with 23 oz urethane coated nylon.
Motorized 36 inch diameter Cataraft
United Christian Youth Camp purchased these pontoons from us, and they operate an outfitted experience for kids on the lower Grand Canyon below Diamond Creek. These tubes are 36 inch in diameter, and are 22 ft long. They are much lighter than the old Neopreme side tubes that are in common use in the Grand Canyon. Because they are made with polyester base fabric, they are stiff and respond well with a motor. Have a closer look at their motorized snout rig, with 22 ft long tubes that are 36 inches in diameter. Learn more about United Christian Youth Camp.
Our Boat Specification Table has pictures and drawings with dimensioned part locations. Cataraft Draft Vs Load will tell you how much weight you can expect to put on a set of tubes and how deep in the water it will sink. Customized tube styles and prices can be seen by following this link. If you do not see what you want or can use in the standard product list, this link will give you a place to find the cost of extra length, extra baffles, double bottoms, and top chafe as well as D-rings, and handles.