Inflatable Tent structures

Mexico Rescue Shelter
See the setup video-11 minutes to set up the whole thing.
How It happened: Mexico has an emergency management organization just like the USA. A couple of years ago the government purchased 300 inflatable tents for this system from China. When they started training, 250 or so of the tents did not inflate. I was contacted Jeff Breier, (Baja Mobile Domes) who works in the Industrial section of Northern Mexico, to build structures. We design the air structure, and the tent skins together. Our partner is built the trailer that the unit rides on. The tent has an inner skin velcroed to the inflatable structure. This inner skin has lots of vents with mosquito netting. Have a look at a cutaway of the unit so you can see the relationship between the inner skin, outer skin, and the inflatable tubes. Here is another picture that shows the inside skin remmoved so you can clearly see the side vent area. There are 4 main inside vents. The tent floor is 12 X 12 feet across in an octogon, and sits on the trailer after if is folded out. This design makes this tent easy to set up for all kinds of situations: food service, command post, first aid, or sleeping quarters. See the tent on the trailer looking towards the back. The box houses the generator. See the back end of the trailer with the tent on top. See a corner vent opening and the hole cutouts in the outter skin for mounting to the trailer. See the mounting detail picture. See the trailer looking back with the sides folded up to make it street legal. see the hatch that the tent fits into when it is deflated and rolled up.
With this system you can take a lot of toys with you when you camp, Or you can take a lot of emergency gear in an emergency. When the trailer is unfloded, the dome is inflated, and tied down. Your home or emergency center is ready to go, and all your equipment is there with you.
contact Jeff at baja mobile domes
Box X structure a cubic structure with modular intent
The box structure is designed to be a modular device where one can take these cubic inflatables and hook them together and make a larger unit. Note the cross beam at the top that keeps the top dimension accurate.
We are able to make these at 90 degree angles because the main closing seams are rotated to align properly. This was not an easy design task. Look closely and you will see a seam in the middle of the uprights. That is where the closing seam rotates 90 degrees, making the cubic shape possible.
Light Weight Tent Structure
We constructed this air structure out of 11 oz per square yard urethane coated nylon fabric. Note that there are loop patches to attach the lightweight tent to the structure and attach the structure to the ground. This structure is 8 ft by 8 ft by 8 ft tall. It weighs 11 lbs. The tube diameters are 6 inches. The hose hanging down is designed to attach to a gas cylinder for quick inflation. There is a 4 psi pressure relief valve included in the air structure. The material on the "feet " is 18 oz urethane coated nylon 840 denier fabric.
Inflatable Tent with the Cover
This inflatable tent is designed as a command center or decontamination center. It is 12 ft wide and 20 feet long. It has double zip up doors on each end. The system weighs 181 lbs. This tent can be inflated and in place in 10 minutes when 2 people are working with it.
See the inflatable tent set up instructions here. This pdf file is 512 K in size.
Inflatable Tent Structure
This is the picture of the inflatable tent skeleton. It is entirely welded. There is no glue in this structure. No glue failure will result over time in storage. This structure will inflate in 20 years as well as it does in the first year.
Inflatable Tent Rolled Up
This is a picture of the inflatable tent rolled up just before we put it in the protective bag. This gives an idea of how much room can be saved with a structure this size.
Valves and Tank for Inflatable Tent Rapid Deployment
This photo shows a closer shot of how the valve system works on this inflatable structure. There are a number of valve configurations that can be used on inflatable boats tents and structures. We have contacts to get the right kind of valve for your project.
Inflatable Tents with Ballast Tubes
Here are 4 tents set up for a quality control session. the one on the left has a water ballast tube attached. It is important to note that water pressure can exceed 100 psi, so please stay present while inflating the water ballast tubes.
Inflatable Wall Tent
This inflatable wall tent has some unique features including a silicone roof jack, cordura fabric and an inflatable skeleton that consists of separate arches and cross tubes. There are 2 sizes 12 X 16 X 9 feet high and 12 X 10 X 9 ft high. To see how the individual cross members were tied in place and how the air was distributed to them follow this link to see the inside of the 12 X 16 unit.
Inflatable Tent is as Big as a Barn
This inflatable then has 19 inch diameter tubes. It is 22 wide 22 ft long, and 16 feet high at the top. It is being used extensively for repairs on the Alaska Pipeline. This tent also lashes together in sections. See the inflatable sections before they had skins put on them.
The Start of the 6 Sided Inflatable Dome Tent
This is the center of the inflatable dome skeleton. This concept will allow for more square footage area to be built with less labor cost in an inflatable tent. There is certainly more labor to put six legs together than to do 4, but we will only have to do one connection in the middle instead of 15 or so like on some of the other structures in this section. The amount of square footage for labor cost will be dramatically increased. See the concept of the Hexapus. The inflatable tubes in this drawing would be 19 inches in diameter. Where the test piece was 9 inches in diameter.