What else can you do with a Paco Pad?
Jpw does not recommend this activity. Paco Pads are fast on snow, and a person can get in a lot of trouble on one. In this video the pad is launched from a snow Cornice. Please be aware of Avalanches. A paco pad will not save you in an avalanche.
Hermit creek rapid grand canyon
In this video you get a birds eye view of what it is like. However the waves are not as huge as they are at 18,000 cfs.
If you know that this is a foolhardy activity, hold on to your pads like these people did. There was no way they weregoing to go through this hole and stay upright!
Jpw does not recommend floating on your Paco Pad. The main reason is because if there is a hole you are unaware of, your pad could fill with water. This will not hurt it, but it will make the pad uncomfortable to sleep on. It is difficult to get the water out, but not impossible. However people do this, and if you do, please inspect your pad corners making sure they do not have holes, that the pad is not worn out, or has a hole in another spot, or the valve is open.
If you want to install corner condoms on your Paco Pad and seal the corner holes up at the same time, read this.
If your pad valve will not tighten, give us a call, and we can send you out a new blue cap. Usually this is all that is needed to fix that problem.
How to roll a Paco Pad- river boat works
Please drink and play responsibly.
Do not let your pads drift off downstream.
And besides all of this crazy stuff:
Use it to install your tire chains, haul windows for your construction company, change your starter motor, for house guests to sleep on in the front room at Christmas, or grab a little shut eye no matter where you are.
Laura Grabs a little shut eye in the land of the Midnight sun after a Firth river trip in Canada
They are just a darn good investment any way you look at it.
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