Jack's Plastic Welding Web Site Map
1 Whitewater Rafting lifestyle- how jpw products enhance your lifestyle.
A Interesting trips using our inflatable products, dry bags and paco pads- Some examples
1 journey down the Rio Santo Domingo In Mexico- About 1991
2 Fat Cat in the Grand Canyon, and the meaning of the universe- Chip rawlings
3 The first Eltigre made on the Selway in high water- Around 1995
B rafting History
1 High water in grand 1983- What really almost happened to Glen Canyon Dam
A part 1 of 2 – Video by Jeff Aranson
B part 2 of 2 –Video by Jeff Aranson
2 History of cat development - Who started the cataraft thing on the Colorado plateau
3 warm springs rapid how it came to be.
4 History of Inflatable Boats and How they Saved Western Rivers by Herm Hoops
D currents film and solar powered raft
1 Jack’s write up of the first traverse of Lake Powell with solar power
2 Currents film web site- download or stream the video
3 Second traverse in video Hite to Wahweep a video of the trip
E the next Generation- they come from being on a commercial raft trip, being a guide on a commercial trip, or from outdoor leadership programs.
1 Students from Wyoming Catholic College use the culebra for whitewater raft training- Out door leadership
2 A day in the life of a commercial guide or passenger- Hatch River Expeditions
F Baja mobile domes – Video-Taking inflatable tent structures to a new level
G Gold mining – we have many cats in Alaska in the Bearing sea. This is one has a sluice on top.
1 catarafts for beginners- Originally written for gold miners, for design purposes.
H special customers –special projects
1 Rio Grand River Guide by Paul Bauer
3 Rio Santiago project - Mexico
I grand canyon private food preservation
J invasive muscle species
1 Utah wildlife invasive muscles web site
2 Arizona Invasive aquatic species web site
2 Made in the USA- what it means and the benefits of buying USA made
A Exports-
2 Japanese hand bags
B boats designed for river and biological studies
1 keith Guido U of Kansas Low water Bio trip on the Gila River
2 river research catarafts –streamcraft
B Jpw blog- catarafts for science
C Oil and Gas industrial products –a price list of our most popular industrial products
1 spill containments– rapid deployment spill containments blog with links
E Warranty issues resolved directly- We prefer to deal with warranty directly with the customer.
A standard dry bag classifications with pictures
1 custom dry bag information
A custom dry bags book of standard terms and design components
1 Paco Pad information
A Corner condoms Do it your self guide
B More about Paco Pads- Why buy our pads besides being made in the USA
1 Catarafts for beginners a primer for what a cataraft is, and how it works
2 standard cataraft offerings
High water trip down the Selway -in the first Eltigre model cat
E Cutthroat cats
1 frame configurations and tube options
2 cutthroat frame assembly instructions
3 Customized cataraft tubes
A custom tube styles- Variations of standard offerings-customize your own
1 Accessories that go on Catarafts, rafts, and culebras- Add or subtract accessory cost when customizing an inflatable
2 Double bottom cost- The cost for a double bottom, add or subtract
B draft vs loadHow much weight can my cat carry for a given depth in the water
C Cataraft Frames –where you can get them, and examples on
A smallest motorized cat ever Lars Anderson-Anderson Pontoons Denmark
1 See Anderson pontoon videos and more.
1 designing and building custom self-bailing rafts
A Self bailing inflatable whitewater raft design features
1 Animas Amazons and design collaboration on their racing raft
B self bailing whitewater raft custom design table
C Accessories that go on Catarafts, rafts, and culebras- Add or subtract accessory cost when customizing an inflatable
D self bailing raft hull material
E Using ISUP technology for Self Bailing Whitewater Raft Floors
1 culebra models specification table-designing and building customized Culebra frameless catarafts
2 history of the rescue culebra
3 culebra vs sabortooth a frameless cataraft comparison
A Culebra Grande Foot thwarts- how they work
F 6 inch Inflatable Sup boards by JPW
1 Inflatable ISUP paddle board repairs
3 D7 valves from Leafield- why they work the best in ISUP
G Fat pack cats, and Pack Cats
1 Fat cat & pack cat frame prices
2 8 day pack cat trip down the middle fork of the Salmon 1996
1 Water Otter – JPW making water otter tubes since 1988
4 Catarafts
A NRS Fishing Frame –on a daddy cat
B Down River fishing frame –on an daddy cat with pointed cones
C Riverboatworks Fishing frame –on a daddy cat
5 Mosquito
A bags
C Boats
D Xtras
E environmental – Note most environmental products are customized
2 standard product line price list with product links
1 Accessories for tubes and rafts- tie downs wear pads ect.
2 Double bottom wear patch prices for large cats
4 custom rafts - What once was custom that you can now purchase
5 custom culebras - What once was custom that you can now purchase
5 Prototypes, custom orders, and product design
A making inflatable prototypes successful- What we have learned from 30 years of experience doing this.
B Collaboration using Solid Works Interactive Design Software
C The steps necessary to have a custom order completed most efficiently
A Spill Containments
1 rapid deployment – Our blog, including Video, price lists, and explosion tests
B Culvert Plugs- scroll down to a table with size and component options and prices
1 a very different culvert plug design- We learned a lot on this one
C Roller Tubes
1 roller tube price table- Use this table for a ball park for cost on all cylinders
D Double Wide Door Seals – Used to hook tow mobile homes together in the field
E Sluice gate project for Detroit Mi water works
F Science Projects
A Foot Bladder - reduces muscle and skeletal deterioration
B Commercial crew program projects -
1 Set up of Bio Decon tent structure
H Oil field and environmental products-needs a lot more content
7 Inflatable Care and Maintenance
2 warranty, warranty verification and National paddle sports warning label
9 repair and Inflatable materials
A repair info
1 goop
A UR1087 Glue for PVC and Urethane
B Glue Urethane and Hypalon Parts together using Glue interface technique
C Straight Neopreme and Hypalon repairs
D Repair small punctures with a syringe
E Recoating PVC and Urethane boats with melted plastic (Goop)
G Latex Sealant used to seal minor leaks in inflatable boats
4 Is my boat hypalon, PVC, or Urethane- How to find out
B materials study- a comparison of inflatable materials- pros and cons
1 Plastic Kayak and Canoe Materials
C more about care and maintenance- Eliminate 90% of your repair issues by reading this page
10 Price lists
1 standard price list with links to some products
2 custom tube styles- get a price on a customized cataraft
A Accessories for your cat or raft- part prices alone or welded on
B double bottom prices for catarafts
3 cutthroat, Fat Cat, Pack Cat Frame and part prices
11 News from the wildcards at JPW
12 Video
A related to our products
1 jpw video advertisement –secret burger productons
2 Currents film- a trip from the top of wood mt to Page,AZ- 5 weeks and 10,000 ft drop. Mostly on the river, and a trip across lake powell with a solar powered boat.
3 A second solar powered journey down Lake powell from Hite to Page, AZ
4 Baja Mobil Domes – Tent structures for a Baja Life style
5 Big Brother Cat in Upset rapid
6 Culebra Standard 2 man flip in Guatemala- Jake Szympruch
B related to river history
1 High Water Grand Canyon 1983 part 1 – Jeff Aranson
2 High Water Grand Canyon 1983 part 2 – Jeff Aranson
14 FAQ-
15 site map
A web synopsis intended for AORE customers but may be helpful for others.
16 dealer map
17 contact us
home | products | pictures & information | find a dealer | river stories & testimonials | related info | FAQ | contact us
Order inquiries: shop.jpwinc@gmail.com
Custom & Prototype inquiries: pschoser.jpwinc@gmail.com
© 2011 Jack's Plastic Welding, Inc
Toll Free 1-800-742-1904
P. 505-334-8748, F. 505-334-1901